Membership Category
To be a general member of you need to pay NPR 1000 for membership form fee and NPR 1000 on a yearly basis.
To get a life membership you need to give NPR 50000/- only.
Executive Board of Joy Foundation honors individuals with Honorary Member who has been a part of Joy Projects as an donor / volunteer without violating the rule of organization. He/She be a part of Joy Foundation’s AGM but are not allowed to vote in any election.
This membership is for any organization that are willing to help Joy Foundation Nepal in whatever way they want.
Eligibility For Membership
Any person who is willing to be a part of Joy Foundation Nepal should follow following criteria.
(a) One should be 16 years old and nepali citizen.
(b) One should not have any criminal records.
(c) Should follow the rules and regulation of Joy Foundation Nepal.
(d) If necessary one should always be ready to help the organization.
(e) Have faith in the purpose of the organization