On 25th of September ten students received scholarships for the period of one year from JOY. During a small ceremony JOYs Immediate Past President and FEAT Committee Coordinator Babu Kaji Shrestha pointed out the importance of good education and the need to support students that face economical difficulties to afford their study. He also mentioned that not only the students will get support through these scholarships, but also the families. Education is a basic right and should be accessible for everyone, regardless their social or economic backgrounds.
As part of JOYs FEAT (Further Education and Training for Youth) Program, especially challenged youth are receiving trainings according to their interest and request. In the last year S. Neupane, a young visual impaired man with a passion for music has received a training in performing on Octopad instrument. K. Bhandari, a young physically impaired Lady has received a basic computer training. K. R. Chaaudhari, a young man tied to a wheel chair received a training in graphic (web) designing. JOY aims to address young people that face special challenges in recieving training and finding employment. The future of Nepal is in the hands of the young people of today.