25th April, 2015, was one of the darkest day in the history of Nepal. A major earthquake measuring 7.8 Richter scale hit the country, having its Epicenter in Gorkha District. Over Ten Thousand people have lost their life, hundreds of thousands of houses have collapsed and over eight million people have been homeless.
General Secretary of JOY Foundation Nepal, Mr. Y. N. Gupta, his wife and his son lost their lives in their own house in Gongsbu, Kathmandu, when it collapsed on April 25th. Mr. Gupta is also the Owner of Amrita Crafts (P) Ltd.
The Executive Members, Life Members and Well-wishers of JOY Foundation Nepal would like to express a very heartfelt condolence to their bereaved family.
To help the victims of this earthquake, JOY Foundation Nepal is setting up “JOY EARTHQUAKE RELIEF FUND”.
Following are the members of this relief fund.
- Mr. Raju Shrestha ~ President
- Mr. Babu Kaji Shrestha – Coordinator
- Mr. Mrigendra B. Pradhanang – Treasurer
- Mr. Amir Hada – Sub Coordinator
- Mr. Juju Bhai Shakya – Member
- Mr. Gobardhan Pahadi – Member
- Mr. Gopal Das Manandhar
- Mr. Sachindra Pradhanang
- Mr. Ramesh Tripathi
So far, following relief fund committee members and others have contributed in this fund:
Mr. Babu Kaji Shrestha, Founder President
Mr. Raju Shrestha, President
Mr. Mrigendra B. Pradhanang, 1st Vice President
Mr. Gopal Das Manandhar, Life Member
Mr. Dil Bahadur Ghale, Life Member
Mrs. Chhamjo Shrestha, Life Member
Mr. Namaste Fair Trade, Thamel
JOY Foundation Nepal will distribute necessary materials in affected areas to the needy people in co-ordination with concerned authorities and local community. We kindly request all our Life Members, Members and all our Well-wishers to contribute whole heartedly in this time of huge disaster. Please let us know the type of contribution you wish to provide. We will regularly update the news of collection and distribution.
Kindly contact JOY Secretariat for your support.
JOY Foundation Nepal
Thamel, Kathmandu, Tel: 01 4701268, 01 4701271 Email: [email protected] Web: www.joy.org.np
Contact Person: Pradip Shrestha – 9841 215164
I sincerely thank you all for your kind support in this major earthquake relief fund. We are looking forward your kind support and co-operation as soon as possible.
Raju Shrestha
JOY Foundation Nepal